.. _group_services: Group services ============== Groups retrieving ----------------- Groups list (xml.group.list) ```````````````````````````` The **xml.group.list** service can be used to retrieve the user groups avalaible in GeoNetwork. Requires authentication: No Request ^^^^^^^ Parameters: - **None** Group list request example:: Url: http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/en/xml.group.list Mime-type: application/xml Post request:: Response ^^^^^^^^ Here follows the structure of the response: - **record**: This is the container for each group element returned - **id**: Group identifier - **name**: Human readable group name - **description**: Group description - **email**: Group email address - **label**: This is just a container to hold the group names translated in the languages supported by GeoNetwork. Each translated label it's enclosed in a tag that identifies the language code Group list response example:: 2 sample 3 RWS Group information (group.get) ````````````````````````````` Retrieves group information. **Non XML response.** Groups maintenance ------------------ Create/update a group (group.update) ```````````````````````````````````` The **group.update** service can be used to create new groups and update the information of an existing group. Only users with **Administrator** profile can create/update groups. Requires authentication: Yes Request ^^^^^^^ Parameters: - **id**: Group identifier to update. If not provided a new group it's created with name, description and email parameters provided. - **name**: (mandatory) Name of the group - **description**: Group description - **email**: Mail address for the group Group update request example:: Url: http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/en/group.update Mime-type: application/xml Post request: 2 sample Demo group group@mail.net Response ^^^^^^^^ If request it's executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code it's returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error it's returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception. Errors ^^^^^^ - **Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed)**, when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code - **Missing parameter (error id: missing-parameter)**, when mandatory parameters are not provided. Returned 400 HTTP code - **bad-parameter name**, when **name** it's empty. Returned 400 HTTP code - **ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "groups_name_key"**, when trying to create a new group using an existing group name. Returned 500 HTTP code Update label translations (xml.group.update) ```````````````````````````````````````````` The **xml.group.update** service can be used to update translations of a group name. Only users with **Administrator** profile can update groups translations. Requires authentication: Yes Request ^^^^^^^ Parameters: - **group**: Container for group information - **id**: (mandatory) Group identifier to update - **label**: (mandatory) This is just a container to hold the group names translated in the languages supported by GeoNetwork. Each translated label it's enclosed in a tag that identifies the language code Group label update request example:: Url: http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/en/xml.group.update Mime-type: application/xml Post request: Response ^^^^^^^^ Group label update response example:: Errors ^^^^^^ - **Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed)**, when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code - **Missing parameter (error id: missing-parameter)**, when mandatory parameters are not provided. Returned 400 HTTP code Remove a group (group.remove) ````````````````````````````` The **group.remove** service can be used to remove an existing group. Only users with **Administrator** profile can delete groups. Requires authentification: Yes Request ^^^^^^^ Parameters: - **id**: (mandatory) Group identifier to delete Group remove request example:: Url: http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/en/group.remove Mime-type: application/xml Post request: 2 Response ^^^^^^^^ If request it's executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code it's returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error it's returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception. Errors ^^^^^^ - **Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed)**, when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code - **Missing parameter (error id: missing-parameter)**, when mandatory parameters are not provided. Returned 400 HTTP code - **bad-parameter id**, when **id** parameter it's empty. Returned 400 HTTP code