.. _relations: Relations ========= Introduction ------------ This chapter describes general services used to get and set relations between metadata records inside GeoNetwork. The association is performed by a Relations table which stores a metadata id and a metadata relatedId fields. Structure of table Relations: ========== ============================ ==================================== Field Datatype Description ========== ============================ ==================================== id foreign key to Metadata(id) Source metadata whose relation is being described. relatedId foreign key to Metadata(id) Metadata related to the source one ========== ============================ ==================================== xml.relation.get ---------------- This service retrieves all relations between metadata. Request ``````` The request accepts an id and a relation parameters, whose meaning is this: - **id (integer)**: This is the local GeoNetwork identifier of the metadata whose relations are requested. - **relation (string, ’normal’)**: This optional parameter identifies the kind of relation that the client wants to be returned. It can be one of these values: - **normal**: The service performs a query into the id field and returns all relatedId records. - **reverse**: The service performs a query into the relatedId field and returns all id records. - **full**: Includes both normal and reverse queries (duplicated ids are removed). Here is an example of POST/XML request:: 10 full Response ```````` The response has a response root element with several metadata children depending on the relations found. Example:: ... ... ... Each metadata element has the following structure: - **title**: Metadata title - **abstract**: A brief explanation of the metadata - **keyword**: Keywords found inside the metadata - **image**: Information about thumbnails - **link**: A link to the source site - **geoBox**: coordinates of the bounding box - **geonet:info**: A container for GeoNetwork related information Example of a metadata record:: Globally threatened species of the world Contains information on animals. biodiversity endangered animal species endangered plant species http://www.mysite.org -180.0 180.0 -90.0 90.0 11 fgdc-std 2005-03-31T19:13:31 2007-03-12T14:52:46 n <source>38b75c1b-634b-443e-9c36-a12e89b4c866</source> <UUID>84b4190b-de43-4bd7-b25f-6ed47eb239ac</uuid> <isHarvested>n</isHarvested> <view>true</view> <admin>false</admin> <edit>false</edit> <notify>false</notify> <download>true</download> <dynamic>false</dynamic> <featured>false</featured> </geonet:info> </metadata>