Metadata services

Retrieve metadata services

Get metadata (xml.metadata.get)

The xml.metadata.get service can be used to retrieve a metadata record stored in GeoNetwork.

Requires authentication: Optional


Parameters (one of them mandatory):

  • uuid : Metadata Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
  • id: Metadata internal identifier

Get metadata request example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


The response is the metadata record with additional geonet:info section. The principal fields for geonet:info are:

  • schema: Metadata schema
  • createDate: Metadata creation date
  • changeDate: Metadata last modification date
  • isTemplate: Indicates if the metadata returned is a template
  • title: Metadata title
  • source: Source catalogue the metadata
  • uuid : Metadata Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
  • isHarvested: Indicates if the metadata is harvested
  • popularity: Indicates how often the record is retrieved
  • rating: Average rating provided by users
  • State of operation on metadata for the user: view, notify, download, dynamic, featured, edit
  • owner: Indicates if the user that executed the service is the owner of metadata
  • ownername: Metadata owner name

Get metadata response example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Metadata xmlns:geonet=""
    <title />
    <subtemplates />


  • Request must contain a UUID or an ID, when no uuid or id parameter is provided
  • Operation not allowed (error id: operation-not-allowed), when the user is not allowed to show the metadata record. Returned 403 HTTP code

RSS latest: Get latest updated metadata (rss.latest)

The rss.latest service can be used to retrieve the latest added metadata records in RSS format. This service can be configured in WEB-INF\config.xml file setting the next parameters:

  • maxItems: Maximum number of RSS records to retrieve (default = 20)
  • timeBetweenUpdates: Minutes to query database for new metadata (default = 60)

Requires authentication: Optional. If not provided only public metadata records are retrieved



  • georss: valid values are simple, simplepoint and default. See also
    • simple: Bounding box in georss simple format
    • simplepoint: Bounding box in georss simplepoint format
    • default: Bounding box in georss GML format

RSS latest request example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Here follows the principal fields of the response:

  • channel: This is the container for the RSS response
    • title: RSS channel title
    • description: RSS channel description
    • item: Metadata RSS item (one item for each metadata retrieved)
      • title: Metadata title
      • link: Link to show metadata page. Additional link elements (with rel=”alternate”) to OGC WXS services, shapefile/images files, Google KML, etc. can be returned depending on metadata
      • description: Metadata description
      • pubDate: Metadata publication date
      • media: Metadata thumbnails
      • georrs:where: Bounding box with the metadata extent

RSS latest response example:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:media="" xmlns:georss=""
  xmlns:gml="" version="2.0">
  <title>GeoNetwork opensource portal to spatial data and information</title>
  <description>GeoNetwork opensource provides Internet access to interactive maps,
  satellite imagery and related spatial databases ... </description>
  <copyright>All rights reserved. Your generic copyright statement </copyright>
  <category>Geographic metadata catalog</category>
  <generator>GeoNetwork opensource</generator>
    <title>Hydrological Basins in Africa (Sample record, please remove!)</title>
    <link href="$amp;VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap
      &HEIGHT=213&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&STYLES=default" type="image/png"
      rel="alternate" title="Hydrological basins in Africa"/>
    <link href="http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/en/google.kml?
      rel="alternate" title="Hydrological basins in Africa"/>
    <category>Geographic metadata catalog</category>
    <description><![CDATA[ ... ]]></description>
    <pubDate>06 Nov 2007 12:13:00 EST</pubDate>
    <media:content url="/geonetwork/srv/en/resources.get?id=11&fname=thumbnail_s.gif
      &access=public" type="image/gif" width="100"/>
      <media:text>Major hydrological basins and their sub-basins ...</media:text>
   <!--Bounding box in georss GML format (>
       <gml:lowerCorner>-34.6 -17.3</gml:lowerCorner>
       <gml:upperCorner>38.2 51.1</gml:upperCorner>

Metadata administration services

Update operations allowed for a metadata (metadata.admin)

The metadata.admin service updates the operations allowed for a metadata with the list of operations allowed send in the parameters, deleting all the operations allowed assigned previously.

Requires authentication: Yes

Request to metadata.admin service


  • id: Identifier of metadata to update
  • _G_O: (can be multiple elements)
    • G: Group identifier
    • O: Operation identifier

Operation identifiers:

  • 0: view
  • 1: download
  • 2: editing
  • 3: notify
  • 4: dynamic
  • 5: featured

Request metadata update operations allowed example:




Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <_1_2 />
  <_1_1 />



Response to metadata.admin service

The response contains the identifier of the metadata updated.

Response metadata update operations allowed example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  • Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code
  • Metadata not found (error id: metadata-not-found) if not exists a metadata record with the identifier provided
  • ERROR: insert or update on table “operationallowed” violates foreign key ‘operationallowed_operationid_fkey », if an operation identifier provided is not valid
  • ERROR: insert or update on table “operationallowed” violates foreign key ‘operationallowed_groupid_fkey », if a group identifier provided is not valid

Massive update privilegies (metadata.massive.update.privileges)

The metadata.massive.update.privileges service updates the operations allowed for a selected metadata with the list of operations allowed send in the parameters, deleting all the operations allowed assigned previously.

This service requires a previous call to service to select the metadata records to update.

Requires authentication: Yes

Request to service


  • id: Identifier of metadata to select
  • selected: Selection state. Values: add, add-all, remove, remove-all

Select all metadata allowed example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Select a metadata record example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Clear metadata selection example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response to service

The response contains the number of metadata selected.

Response select metadata example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Request to metadata.massive.update.privileges


  • _G_O: (can be multiple elements) - G: Group identifier - O: Operation identifier

Operation identifiers:

  • 0: view
  • 1: download
  • 2: editing
  • 3: notify
  • 4: dynamic
  • 5: featured

Request metadata massive update privilegies example:




Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <_1_2 />
  <_1_1 />



Response to metadata.massive.update.privileges

If request is executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code is returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error is returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception.


  • Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code
  • Metadata not found (error id: metadata-not-found) if not exists a metadata record with the identifier provided
  • ERROR: insert or update on table “operationallowed” violates foreign key ‘operationallowed_operationid_fkey », if an operation identifier provided is not valid
  • ERROR: insert or update on table “operationallowed” violates foreign key ‘operationallowed_groupid_fkey », if a group identifier provided is not valid

Metadata ownership services

This services allow to manage the metadata ownership (the user who created the metadata), for example to get information about the users who created metadata records or transfer the ownership of metadata records to another user. Only users with Administrator and UserAdmin profiles can execute these services.

Massive new owner (metadata.massive.newowner)

The metadata.massive.newowner service allows to change the owner of a group of metadata. This service requires a previous call to service to select the metadata records to update.

Requires authentication: Yes

Request to service


  • id: Identifier of metadata to select (can be multiple elements)
  • selected: Selection state. Values: add, add-all, remove, remove-all

Select metadata request example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response to service

The response contains the number of metadata selected.

Select metadata response example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Request to metadata.massive.newowner

Once the metadata records have been selected can be metadata.massive.newowner invoked with the next parameters:

  • user: (mandatory) New owner user identifier
  • group: (mandatory) New owner group user identifier

Transfer ownership request example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response to metadata.massive.newowner

If request is executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code is returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error is returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception.

Transfer ownership (xml.ownership.transfer)

The xml.ownership.transfer service can be used to transfer ownership and privileges of metadata owned by a user (in a group) to another user (in a group). This service should be used with data retrieved from previous invocations to the services xml.ownership.editors and xml.ownership.groups, described below.

Requires authentication: Yes



  • sourceUser: (mandatory) Identifier of the user to transfer the ownership of her metadata****
  • sourceGroup: (mandatory) Identifier of source group of the metadata to transfer ownership
  • targetUser: (mandatory) Identifier of the user to get the set the new metadata ownership
  • targetGroup: (mandatory) Identifier of target group of the transferred ownership metadata

Example: In the next example we are going to transfer the ownership and privileges of metadata owned of user John (id=2) in group RWS (id=5) to user Samantha(id=7) in group NLR (id=6)

Transfer ownership request example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Here follows the structure of the response:

  • response: This is the container for the response
    • privileges: Transferred privileges
    • metadata: Transferred metadata records

Transfer ownership response example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  • Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code
  • Missing parameter (error id: missing-parameter), when mandatory parameters are not provided
  • bad-parameter XXXX, when a mandatory parameter is empty

Retrieve metadata owners (xml.ownership.editors)

The xml.ownership.editors service can be used to retrieve the users that own metadata records.

Requires authentication: Yes



  • None

Retrieve metadata owners request example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<request />


Here follows the structure of the response:

  • root: This is the container for the response
    • editor: Container for each editor user information
      • id: User identifier
      • username: User login
      • name: User name
      • surname: User surname
      • profile: User profile

Retrieve metadata editors response example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  • Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code

Retrieve groups/users allowed to transfer metadata ownership from a user (xml.ownership.groups)

The xml.ownership.groups service can be used to retrieve the groups/users to which can be transferred the metadata ownership/privilegies from the specified user.



  • id: (mandatory) User identifier of the user to check to which groups/users can be transferred the ownership/privilegies of her metadata

Retrieve ownership groups request example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Here follows the structure of the response:

  • response: This is the container for the response
    • targetGroup: Allowed target group to transfer ownership of user metadata (can be multiple targetGroup elements)
      • id, name, description, email, referrer, label: Group information
      • editor: Users of the group that own metadata (can be multiple editor elements)
        • id,surname, name: Metadata user owner information

Retrieve ownership groups response example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <description>Demo group</description>
    <referrer />
      <en>Sample group</en>
      <fr>Sample group</fr>
      <es>Sample group</es>
      <surname />
      <name />
      <surname />
    <description />
    <email />
    <referrer />
      <surname />


  • Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code

Metadata editing

This services allow to maintaining the metadata in the catalog.

Insert metadata (metadata.insert)

The metadata.insert service allows to create a new metadata record in the catalog.

Requires authentication: Yes



  • data: (mandatory) Contains the metadata record
  • group (mandatory): Owner group identifier for metadata
  • isTemplate: indicates if the metadata content is a new template or not. Default value: “n”
  • title: Metadata title. Only required if isTemplate = “y”
  • category (mandatory): Metadata category. Use “_none_” value to don’t assign any category
  • styleSheet (mandatory): Stylesheet name to transform the metadata before inserting in the catalog. Use “_none_” value to don’t apply any stylesheet
  • validate: Indicates if the metadata should be validated before inserting in the catalog. Values: on, off (default)

Insert metadata request example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <gmd:MD_Metadata xmlns:gmd=""


If request is executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code is returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error is returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception.

If validate parameter is set to “on” and the provided metadata is not valid confirming the xsd schema an exception report is returned.

Validation metadata report:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error id="xsd-validation-error">
  <message>XSD Validation error(s)</message>
    <at class=""
      file="" line="297" method="validateIt" />
    <at class=""
      file="" line="281" method="validateIt" />
    <at class=""
      file="" line="102" method="exec" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo"
      file="" line="238" method="execService" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo"
      file="" line="141" method="execServices" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceManager"
      file="" line="377" method="dispatch" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.JeevesEngine"
      file="" line="621" method="dispatch" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.sources.http.JeevesServlet"
      file="" line="174" method="execute" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.sources.http.JeevesServlet"
      file="" line="99" method="doPost" />
    <at class="javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet"
      file="" line="727" method="service" />
        <message>ERROR(1) org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '' is not a valid value for 'dateTime'. (Element: gco:DateTime with parent element: gmd:date)</message>
        <message>ERROR(2) org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '' of element 'gco:DateTime' is not valid. (Element: gco:DateTime with parent element: gmd:date)</message>
        <message>ERROR(3) org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '' is not a valid value for 'integer'. (Element: gco:Integer with parent element: gmd:denominator)</message>
        <message>ERROR(4) org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '' of element 'gco:Integer' is not valid. (Element: gco:Integer with parent element: gmd:denominator)</message>


  • Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code
  • Missing parameter (error id: missing-parameter), when mandatory parameters are not provided. Returned 400 HTTP code
  • bad-parameter XXXX, when a mandatory parameter is empty. Returned 400 HTTP code
  • ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint “metadata_uuid_key”, if exists another metadata record in catalog with the same uuid of the metadata provided to insert

Update metadata (metadata.update)

The metadata.update service allows to update the content of a metadata record in the catalog.

Requires authentication: Yes



  • id: (mandatory) Identifier of the metadata to update
  • version: (mandatory) This parameter is used to check if another user has updated the metadata after we retrieved it and before involking the update metadata service. CHECK how to provide value to the user
  • isTemplate: indicates if the metadata content is a new template or not. Default value: “n”
  • showValidationErrors: Indicates if the metadata should be validated before updating in the catalog.
  • title: Metadata title (for templates)
  • data (mandatory) Contains the metadata record

Update metadata request example:



Post request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <gmd:MD_Metadata xmlns:gmd=""




If request is executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code is returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error is returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception.


  • Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code
  • Missing parameter (error id: missing-parameter), when mandatory parameters are not provided. Returned 400 HTTP code
  • bad-parameter XXXX, when a mandatory parameter is empty. Returned 400 HTTP code
  • Concurrent update (error id: client), when the version number provided is different from actual version number for metatada. Returned 400 HTTP code

Delete metadata (metadata.delete)

The metadata.delete service allows to remove a metadata record from the catalog. The metadata content is backup in MEF format by default in data\removed folder. This folder can be configured in geonetwork\WEB-INF\config.xml.

Requires authentication: Yes



  • id: (mandatory) Identifier of the metadata to delete

Delete metadata request example:



Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


If request is executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code is returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error is returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception.


  • Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code
  • Metadata not found (error id: error), if the identifier provided don’t correspond to an existing metadata. Returned 500 HTTP code
  • Operation not allowed (error id: operation-not-allowed), when the user is not authorized to edit the metadata. To edit a metadata:
    • The user is the metadata owner
    • The user is an Administrator
    • The user has edit rights over the metadata
    • The user is a Reviewer and/or UserAdmin and the metadata groupOwner is one of his groups