User services¶
Users retrieving¶
Users list (xml.user.list)¶
The xml.user.list service can be used to retrieve the users defined in GeoNetwork.
Requires authentication: Yes
- None
User list request example:
Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<request />
Here follows the structure of the response:
- record: This is the container for each user element returned
- id: User identifier
- username: Login name for the user
- password: Password encoded in md5
- surname: User surname
- name: User name
- profile: User profile. The profiles defined in GeoNetwork are: Administrator, User administrator, Content Reviewer, Editor, Registered user
- address: User physical address
- city: User address city
- state: User address state
- zip: User address zip
- country: User address country
- email: User email address
- organisation: User organisation/department
- kind: Kind of organisation
User list response example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<address />
<city />
<state />
<zip />
<country />
<email />
<organisation />
<kind />
<address />
<state />
<zip />
<organisation />
- Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service
User groups list (xml.usergroups.list)¶
The xml.usergroups.list service can be used to retrieve the groups assigned to a user.
Requires authentication: Yes
- id: User identifier (multiple id elements can be espeficied)
User groups list request example:
Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Here follows the structure of the response:
- group: This is the container for each user group element returned
- id: Group identifier
- name: Group name
- description: Group description
User groups list response example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description />
- Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service
- User XXXX doesn’t exist, if no exists a user with provided id value
User information (user.get)¶
Retrieves user information. Non XML response.
Users maintenance¶
Create a user (user.update)¶
The user.update service can be used to create new users, update user information and reset user password, depending on the value of the operation parameter. Only users with profiles Administrator or UserAdmin can create new users.
Users with profile Administrator can create users in any group, while users with profile UserAdmin can create users only in the groups where they belong.
Requires authentication: Yes
- operation: (mandatory) newuser
- username: (mandatory) User login name
- password: (mandatory) User password
- profile: (mandatory) User profile
- surname:User surname
- name: User name
- address: User physical address
- city: User address city
- state: User address state
- zip: User address zip
- country: User address country
- email: User email
- org: User organisation/departament
- kind: Kind of organisation
- groups: Group identifier to set for the user, can be multiple groups elements
- groupid: Group identifier
User create request example:
Post request:
If request it’s executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code it’s returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error it’s returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception.
- Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code
- Missing parameter (error id: missing-parameter), when mandatory parameters are not provided
- bad-parameter, when a mandatory fields is empty
- Unknow profile XXXX (error id: error), when the profile is not valid
- ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint “users_username_key”, when trying to create a new user using an existing username
- ERROR: insert or update on table “usergroups” violates foreign key constraint “usergroups_groupid_fkey”, when group identifier is not an existing group identifier
- ERROR: tried to add group id XX to user XXXX - not allowed because you are not a member of that group, when the authenticated user has profile UserAdmin and tries to add the user to a group in which the UserAdmin user is not allowed to manage
- ERROR: you don’t have rights to do this, when the authenticated user has a profile that is not Administrator or UserAdmin
Update user information (user.update)¶
The user.update service can be used to create new users, update user information and reset user password, depending on the value of the operation parameter. Only users with profiles Administrator or UserAdmin can update users information.
Users with profile Administrator can update any user, while users with profile UserAdmin can update users only in the groups where they belong.
Requires authentication: Yes
- operation: (mandatory) editinfo
- id: (mandatory) Identifier of the user to update
- username: (mandatory) User login name
- password: (mandatory) User password
- profile: (mandatory) User profile
- surname: User surname
- name: User name
- address: User physical address
- city: User address city
- state: User address state
- zip: User address zip
- country: User address country
- email: User email
- org: User organisation/departament
- kind: Kind of organisation
- groups: Group identifier to set for the user, can be multiple groups elements
- groupid: Group identifier
Remarks: If an optional parameter it’s not provided the value it’s updated in the database with an empty string.
Update user information request example:
Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
If request it’s executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code it’s returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error it’s returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception.
- Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code
- Missing parameter (error id: missing-parameter), when the mandatory parameters are not provided. Returned 400 HTTP code
- bad-parameter, when a mandatory field is empty. Returned 400 HTTP code
- Unknow profile XXXX (error id: error), when the profile is not valid. Returned 500 HTTP code
- ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint “users_username_key”, when trying to create a new user using an existing username. Returned 500 HTTP code
- ERROR: insert or update on table “usergroups” violates foreign key constraint “usergroups_groupid_fkey”, when the group identifier is not an existing group identifier. Returned 500 HTTP code
- ERROR: tried to add group id XX to user XXXX - not allowed because you are not a member of that group, when the authenticated user has profile UserAdmin and tries to add the user to a group in which the UserAdmin user is not allowed to manage. Returned 500 HTTP code
- ERROR: you don’t have rights to do this, when the authenticated user has a profile that is not Administrator or UserAdmin. Returned 500 HTTP code****
Reset user password (user.update)¶
The user.update service can be used to create new users, update user information and reset user password, depending on the value of the operation parameter. Only users with profiles Administrator or UserAdmin can reset users password.
Users with profile Administrator can reset the password for any user, while users with profile UserAdmin can reset the password for users only in the groups where they belong.
Requires authentication: Yes
- operation: (mandatory) resetpw
- id: (mandatory) Identifier of the user to reset the password
- username: (mandatory) User login name
- password: (mandatory) User new password
- profile: (mandatory) User profile
Reset user password request example:
Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
If request it’s executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code it’s returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error it’s returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception.
- Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code
- Missing parameter (error id: missing-parameter), when the mandatory parameters are not provided. Returned 400 HTTP code
- bad-parameter, when a mandatory field is empty. Returned 400 HTTP code
- Unknow profile XXXX (error id: error), when the profile is not valid. Returned 500 HTTP code
- ERROR: you don’t have rights to do this, when the authenticated user has a profile that it’s not Administrator or UserAdmin. Returned 500 HTTP code****
Update current authenticated user information (user.infoupdate)¶
The user.infoupdate service can be used to update the information related to the current authenticated user.
Requires authentication: Yes
- surname: (mandatory) User surname
- name: (mandatory) User name
- address: User physical address
- city: User address city
- state: User address state
- zip: User address zip
- country: User address country
- email: User email
- org: User organisation/departament
- kind: Kind of organisation
Remarks: If an optional parameter is not provided the value is updated in the database with an empty string.
Current user info update request example:
Post request:
If request it’s executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code it’s returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error it’s returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception.
- Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated. Returned 401 HTTP code
Change current authenticated user password (user.pwupdate)¶
The user.pwupdate service can be used to change the password of the current user authenticated.
Requires authentication: Yes
- password: Actual user password
- newPassword: New password to set for the user
If request it’s executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code it’s returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error it’s returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception.
- Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated. Returned 401 HTTP code
- Old password is not correct. Returned 500 HTTP code
- Bad parameter (newPassword), when an empty password is provided. Returned 400 HTTP code
Remove a user (user.remove)¶
The user.remove service can be used to remove an existing user. Only users with profiles Administrator or UserAdmin can delete users.
Users with profile Administrator can delete any user (except himself), while users with profile UserAdmin can delete users only in the groups where they belong (except himself).
Requires authentification: Yes
- id: (mandatory) User identifier to delete
User remove request example:
Post request:
If request it’s executed succesfully HTTP 200 status code it’s returned. If request fails an HTTP status code error it’s returned and the response contains the XML document with the exception.
- Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), when the user is not authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the service. Returned 401 HTTP code
- Missing parameter (error id: missing-parameter), when the id parameter is not provided. Returned 400 HTTP code
- You cannot delete yourself from the user database (error id: error), when trying to delete the authenticated user himself. Returned 500 HTTP code
- You don’t have rights to delete this user (error id: error), when trying to delete using an authenticated user that don’t belongs to Administrator or User administrator profiles. Returned 500 HTTP code
- You don’t have rights to delete this user because the user is not part of your group (error id: error), when trying to delete a user that is not in the same group of the authenticated user (belonging the authenticated user to profile User administrator). Returned 500 HTTP code